New Plant Process Computer System July 25, 2003
POMPANO BEACH, Fla.–July 25, 2003– RTP Corporation has made the first delivery of their new second-generation advanced Hybrid Control System, the 2300, for integration into a new plant process computer system (PPCS) at Nuclear Management Corporation’s Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant (KNPP).
The versatile 2300 HCS introduces a suite of features for acquiring and processing data that surpasses capabilities of all previous data acquisition systems. RTP is furnishing all data acquisition system (DAS) hardware, cabling, and custom engineering to KNPP’s prime contractor and system integrator, SCIENTECH, Inc., of Idaho Falls, Idaho.
The 2300-based system slated for KNPP scans approximately 2,700 instrumentation points every 100 milliseconds and feeds a total point count of approximately 2100 analogs and 2800 digitals. All digital points are configured as Sequence of Events points and time-stamped at one millisecond resolution. The PPCS project is being staged, integrated, tested, and installed according to a two-year schedule.
RTP is participating as part of a project team headed by SCIENTECH that also includes major contributions from KNPP’s site IT and Engineering Design personnel. Sal Provanzano, president and CEO of RTP Corporation, said “The 2300 hybrid control system, because of its flexibility and scalability, will revolutionize data acquisition and process monitoring in any application where high-speed performance and assured reliability are mandatory.”
The new 2300 HCS, he explained, combines the high scan speeds of a PLC system with the ability of perform complex control algorithms of the type associated with a DCS.